Has it really been that long since I wrote a new post? It's true about time flying when you're having fun, and things here have been very hectic indeed.
First of all there was the Pink family holiday to Florida, courtesy of Mr Pink's airmiles! I can't begin to tell you how much we all enjoyed ourselves and what a fantastic time we had! My favourite part has to be the fact that we could use the Virgin Atlantic lounge at Gatwick as Mr Pink holds a gold card with them. It was so lovely to sit in there away from the hustle and bustle of the airport, relaxing with a glass of Bucks Fizz and partaking in a complimentary manicure at the spa! I think this photo just about sums up the whole holiday. I know I have used it before in a Silent Sunday post, but I make no apologies for using it again.
Since we got back, after all the washing and ironing and unpacking that a holiday entails, the garden has been at the forefront of things. Although the rain has been miserable for most of us, my vegetables have thoroughly enjoyed it and we have had bumper crops of peas and particularly broad beans (over 14lbs)!
They have been blanched and frozen, turned into soup and eaten with parsley sauce! Any recipes for broad beans would be much appreciated!
This year is also the first time that I have used the family jam pan which I inherited from my Mum. The pressure was on as Dad was here when I started to turn all the lovely strawberries, raspberries and redcurrants that we picked at our local PYO. Fortunately it all worked (apart from boiling over the sugar and strawberries and making a sticky burnt mess on my cooker top) and we have a larder full of lovely jams and jellies just waiting to be eaten.
It's onto cherries now, and I have a rather splendid recipe for sweet pickled cherries that I am going to try, along with a roasted sweet beetroot and horseradish relish to use up our bountiful crop of beetroot.
Tickled Pink Crafts also has a very interesting handmade card project on the go. I can't tell you much about it at the moment, but suffice to say that Miss Tickled doesn't have enough room to make it, so it's over to me and my rusty card making skills! Watch this space..............!
Finally let me tell you how proud I am of Miss Tickled and her continued efforts in giving up the evil weed. She is doing so well and, in spite of feeling horrible, has managed to stay away from cigarettes completely. Well done Miss Tickled, keep up the good work!
I love Jam and would love to be able to make my own, homemade is so much better than shop bought. Cherry jam sounds delicious. x